“So enjoyed my stay this month. And a lot of that had to do with you. What a great menu! And tasty food. I enjoyed every meal. Thank you so much.
As a guy who eats out most of the time, it was such a pleasure to have “home-cooked”
meals of your caliber. I will miss them so much. And the thrill each
night when you opened the door and welcomed us. You’re very talented
and generous. We all felt this way. And appreciate you.“
Michael Montlack,
award winning poet at The Virginia Center for the Creative Art
“Thank you for all of the delicious meals. I particularly enjoyed the fish, black bean cakes, quinoa pilafs, polenta and couscous.
I appreciate your attention to health as well as flavor and presentation. Thanks again.”
Valerie – fellow at The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts
“You are an inspiring chef. I absolutely loved every meal that you cooked. Many thanks.”
Sherry – fellow at The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts
Thank you for nourishing us so deliciously! It is a joy to eat
your beautiful, healthful, inventive meals. We fellows are lucky to have you!
Caroline – fellow at The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts
Wisk and ladle, knife and spoon
buckwheat, apples and shiitake mushrooms,
couscous, sautéed onions and tiny peas,
pistachios and currants, Oh Sarah, please
more salmon filet with sorrel sauce
and caramelized butternut squash.
Oh, ribbons of kale in ribollita,
mounds of colcannon with butter and leeks, ahhh,
every evening crisp and bright organic greens,
arugula, spinach, mesclun dressed with tahini!
I’m suspicious of talkers who like to toss around
words like awesome, ingenious, and best,
but then you serve Brussels sprouts
with tarragon and threads of lemon zest.
Bear with, dear Sarah, just a little while
as I recall striped bass puttanesca style,
braised parsnips, chicken crusted with pumpkin seeds,
cilantro sauce for burgers of seasoned black beans,
apricots bejeweling organic turkey meatloaf,
baby turnips, fingerlings and beets you roasted,
the Malaysian lamb curry, the pork loin with pear,
cauliflower with cranberries, Oh, it’s unfair,
how can I drive home to Missouri in four short days,
all the time longing for steak in pomegranate glaze?
So as you lift your forks, think of me, for pity’s sake,
Far from Sarah’s blackberry pie and double chocolate cake!
– By Michelle, April 4, 2012
Bliss Point Farm Sarah Lanzman 1784 Simmons Gap Rd Dyke, VA 22935 USA sarah@blisspointfarm.com
+(01) 540 456-6028